Types Of Caches in PRPC

These four capabilities are available: 

Declarative pages  in PRPC PEGA

Node-level declarative pages, created and maintained by declare pages rules (Rule-Declare-Pages rule type), can hold an arbitrary set of

property values.

Rules cache  in PRPC PEGA

To improve performance, Process Commander automatically caches rule instances that are repeatedly accessed and executed

Eg: the rules that are not present in rulesets.

Rules assembly cache  in PRPC PEGA

A separate cache saves activities, stream rules, parse rules, and the many other rule types that are converted to Java code with rules assembly.

Eg: the rules that are present in rulesets.

Static files extracted from Rule-File  in PRPC PEGA

For Rule-File-Text and Rule-File-Binary rules, the object in each rule instance is extracted (downloaded) to a file system upon first access, and served by the Web server (such as Apache) thereafter. Ordinary Web server caching mechanisms take over.

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